Women’s Sunday Service – March 4, 2024, Sermon By Mrs. Grace Buyela

Theme: Abiding in Jesus.

Theme scripture: John 15:1-6; Exodus 4:1-5; 1Samuel 17:40

• You cannot bear any fruit without abiding in Jesus.

You must be in him and him in you first.

• There should be another level you take in order for him to come in you.

• Many times we limit bearing fruits to the fruits of the spirit but we look at the results or outcomes of your fruits.

• We cannot see giving in you unless it has been planted and we see it on the outside.

• Some people want to be given yet they don’t give.

• You will only overcome because you remained in Christ.

• You are succeeding because you are abiding in Him.

• God is seen in you through what He is doing for you because you are abiding in Him.

• If God is in you everything is evident about you, it will be self-explanatory to those who see you.

• Just be in Christ, it is simple, take a step of faith.

• It is free of charge for you to be in Christ so that He can come into you.

• Some people assume that they are in Christ but every time the Lord wants to come in you, you put a wall fence and He finds it hard to abide in you.

• If we choose to abide in Him, we must be sensitive to the things of the spirit.

• If He abides in us, we cannot remain the same, things must change.

• Because of insensitivity, we have lost what was supposed to be ours.

• Let’s abide in Him but let us not put a wall fence to close Him out.

• You must have faith, trust, courage and obedience in order to abide in Christ.

• David overcame goliath because of the God almighty who was in Him but the trust David had in God showed that He was abiding in Him.

• Which giant is before you? God will use that small thing to drive it away.

• Usually God gives you something small and he wants to use it to take you to another level as long as you are abiding in Him.

• What is that small thing you can do so that He can abide in it?

• People should see Christ in your things, business and work.

• Let us do something no matter how small it is.

• Don’t despise the small things in your hand.

• When you abide in Him and He in you, He establishes you, expands your territory and you live a better life.

• We have to abide in Jesus and Jesus in us and in our business, work and family.

• As you go, you will go with Him and His favour will be upon you to cause a difference in your life.

• If we have decided to abide in Christ, let your actions show Christ in you.

• We should imitate Christ.

• Let’s not compromise, let whatever we do show the character of Jesus Christ.

Have a blessed Week!

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